Home Lifestyle Which beachball has a unique pattern in this brainteaser?

Which beachball has a unique pattern in this brainteaser?

We love a good brain teaser — especially when it comes from the puzzle-master Gergely Dudás (better known as The Dudolf). His hide-and-seek puzzles are visually delightful and intellectually challenging.

today, this brainteaser challenge you to spot a beachball that has a unique pattern.

Can you spot it?

It’s a tricky one.

Can you spot it?

The clock is ticking …

Keep scrolling.

Ready for the answer?




How many animals can you spot in this picture?

1 minute for you to find all the hidden animals







According to eagle eye experts, there are about 12 animals in total.

But wait, do you spot more? If yes, do share your revelations with us and others because we’re curious to know.

Do post in the comments section how you did. It will be interesting to see how you compared it with the rest. And before we forget, stay tuned for more puzzles coming up for you!