The puzzle below is an old classic, but if you haven’t heard it before, it’s quite difficult.
It’s really important you concentrate if you want to solve it.
Where is the third man?
Here comes today’s riddle, check the picture below.
The Riddle Reads:
Three men enter a room but only two walkout. The room is empty.
Where is the third man?
Can you handle it? If not, we’ll show you the answer further below.
Here is the answer
If you didn’t manage to solve the riddle, don’t worry, this riddle has had people pulling their hair for as long as it has existed.
The correct answer is the third man is in a Wheel Chair.
Here if you read the first sentence carefully, it says Three men enter a room but only two walks out. So according to the riddle, 3 men enter the room. Nowhere it is mentioned that the men walked into the room. Whereas the second part of the sentence says “two walks out”. This means that 2 men walked out of the room. Therefore we can clearly say that the third man came out of the room in a Wheel Chair.
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