Home Lifestyle Two elderly couples meet weekly at a park table.

Two elderly couples meet weekly at a park table.

Two elderly couples meet weekly at a park table.

They take a seat, and the ladies chat with one another across the table, as do the gents.

Fred asks Harold “Are you still going to that memory clinic?”

Harold says “Yes, it’s been helping my memory a lot, I recommend you come along to our next session”

“What do they do there?” asks Fred.

“They teach us to remember things through word association” replies Harold.

Fred says “I might have to give it a try, what’s the name of the clinic?”

Harold pauses for a while, trying to remember,

he says “Ummm, ahh, hang on… um… what’s the name of that beautiful flower, the one that has thorns?”

Fred says “That’d be a rose, Harold.

Harold turns to his wife and says “Rose!, what’s the name of that clinic I go to?”

Saving A Shirt

Saving A Shirt

MAN: Have you finished ironing my silk shirt?

BUTLER: Yes, sir.

MAN: Then please bring it here. I have to get dressed!

BUTLER: Sir, I was ironing and someone knocked on the door. I went to open it and when I came back I could smell something burning…

MAN: Don’t tell me you’ve burnt my shirt!

BUTLER: I… yes, I did.

MAN: Oh, no! Fortunately, I have another silk shirt in the cupboard.



BUTLER: I know that, sir. That’s why I cut it up and patched up the one I burnt!



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