Home Lifestyle Spot the bottle of hand sanitiser on this messy desk!

Spot the bottle of hand sanitiser on this messy desk!

The new challenge created by cleaning experts Gtech has stumped many people.

It challenges you to spot the bottle of hand sanitizer on this messy desk!

now, look at the pic below:

did you find it right away?

Still no, don’t worry!

If you’re struggling to find the bottle of hand sanitizer then try looking on the left-hand side of the image, near the pencil

Still not having any luck? Then scroll down to check your answer.




Can you spot the four-leaf clover in this bustling green field?

This vibrant brainteaser promises to put your observation skills to the test.

Hidden amongst this field of pollen-producing flowers and grass is a single four-leaf clover.

Can you spot the four-leaf clover in this bustling green field?

Can you find the four-leaf clover?

If you look closely, you might be able to see it.

Need a hint: focus on the bottom of the pic.

So … did you find the four-leaf clover in the image? Scroll below to see where it’s hiding.

Still stumped? Scroll down slowly to reveal the solution to this puzzle.






Comment your answer below 👇