A woman was nagging her husband to cut the grass, to which the husband answered, “What do I look like to you? A landscaper?!”

The next time the sink dripped, she asked him again, “Honey, can you fix the faucet?”

The husband replied, “What do I look like to you? A Plumber?!”

Two days later, a light bulb went out and she begged him again, “Honey, can you change the light bulb?”

His reply was, “What am I? An electrician?!”

A few days later, the husband comes home from work to find that the lawn has been cut, the faucet fixed, and the light bulb changed. Very surprised, he says, “Honey, what happened here?”

The wife replies, “You know our new next-door neighbor? He came over and fixed everything.”

The husband says, “Honey, how did you pay him?!” “Oh, you know,” the wife says, “he told me that I could either bake him a cake or s-l.e.e.p with him.”

Somewhat relieved the husband asks, “Whew, so what kind of a cake did you bake for him?”

The wife replies, “Who do you think I am? Betty Crocker?!”

The wife had faithfully attended to her husband

The wife had faithfully attended to her husband for several months, never missing a day by his bedside.

She watched over him, hoping and praying for a miracle, as he slipped in and out of consciousness.

Finally, her persistence was rewarded when her husband’s eyes opened, and he weakly motioned for her to come closer.

His voice was weak and filled with emotion as he whispered, “You have been my rock through all my trials and tribulations.”

He recounted the terrifying and painful experience of being sh0t. He spoke of when he had lost his job, and his business failed.

Despite the challenges, his wife had never left his side, always offering her unwavering support and love throughout their tumultuous journey.

“Despite the devastating loss of our house, you chose to stand by my side and weather the storm together. Your persistent presence was a beacon of hope in my darkest times.”

”I will never forget how you tirelessly supported me, even as my health began to decline. Our bond only grew stronger as we faced these complex challenges hand in hand.”

“Reflecting on those trying times, I can’t help but be amazed by your strength and resilience. You never wavered in your commitment to our relationship, and your steadfast love and understanding were the light that kept me going.”

”You have been with me all through the bad times. You know what?” he asked.

The woman smiled tenderly, her heart swelling with affection. “What is it, love?” she asked softly.

He hesitated for a moment before speaking his mind. “I think you are bad luck.”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

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