Home Lifestyle Can You Solve This Valentine’s BrainTeaser in Under 4 Minutes?

Can You Solve This Valentine’s BrainTeaser in Under 4 Minutes?

It’s time to test your brain with a quick brain-teaser — but don’t let this one break your heart. This adorable Valentine’s Day illustration from Gergely Dudás is actually a hidden-image search that’s pretty damn difficult if you ask me.

The instructions ask followers to look for a “tiny heart” within a background of pink flowers, butterflies, and the occasional cute animals.

On average, it takes 3 minutes and 54 seconds to find all of the items. How quickly can you find it?

Do you see the tiny heart?

If not, that’s OK.

Keep trying.

If you get stuck, don’t worry! Simply swipe left to get a peek at the solution.

Last chance to turn back!

Here it is:




Can you spot the blue-eyed fox in the group?

A brand new brainteaser is challenging players to spot the blue-eyed fox among the skulk – and it’s far from easy.

The creators claim it takes the average person one minute and 13 seconds to spot it among the brown-eyed foxes.

Can you spot the blue-eyed fox in the group?

The quickest time to find the unique fox among his brown-eyed counterparts is just 25 seconds – so can you beat the record?

Struggling? We don’t blame you! Try looking in the left side of the image.

Still can’t spot him? Scroll down for the reveal!





