Home Lifestyle Can You Solve This Math Test?

Can You Solve This Math Test?

Math tests can be challenging, but they are also a great way to exercise our brains and keep them sharp. Today, we have a math test for you to solve! Don’t worry, it’s not as difficult as it may seem.

Test Your Math Skills

The question:

So, what are you trying to figure out? The deceptively easy equation is


It appears to be a simple equation, straightforward addition, subtraction, and multiplication that we learn at a young age. But all is not as it seems.





Each result seems to be calculated as:


Verifying this pattern:



Following the pattern for 3


So, the missing number is 12.

Can you solve this tricky math problem using nothing but regular school math?

Classic brain training methods are perhaps puzzles like crosswords or sudoku, but in recent times I have become more and more attracted to the type of challenge you’ll see below.

These types of puzzles have been flooding the web lately, probably because they are really fun!

These are old classic mathematical problems. When you were in middle or high school.

These tests are more fun when you find yourself trying to remember the math you learned as a child.

Can you figure out the correct solution?

So now I’m going to treat you to a math problem designed for school students. But it’s not that simple for those of us who graduated decades ago. It’s easy to forget the order of operations as we grow older.

The question now: Can you solve this tricky math problem?

1 + 1 + 1 – 1 x 2 – 0 =?

1 + 1 + 1 – 1 x 2 – 0 =?





First, we start by solving the multiplication.

1 x 2

1 x 2 = 2

It gets easy – with the right method

This is what we are left with.

1 + 1 + 1 – 2 – 0

The next step is even easier

3 – 2

Finally, the correct answer is: 1

The solution was quite easy, as you can see. However, it was vital to start by doing the multiplication first – and many people forget that.

Did you solve it correctly?

Comment your answer below 👇