Home Lifestyle Can you find the car which ISN’T carrying a baby?

Can you find the car which ISN’T carrying a baby?

SITTING in traffic on a long car journey is only fun if you excel in car games.

Exercise your seek-and-find muscles with a brain teaser that brings home the best part of long summer drives.

This brainteaser challenge you to find the car which ISN’T carrying a baby?

It’s a tricky one.

Can you spot it?

The clock is ticking …

Maybe you need a hint.

Keep scrolling.

Ready for the answer?




Can YOU spot the heart hidden among the flowers?

A tricky Mother’s Day brainteaser is challenging players to spot the hidden heart in the flowers.

Can you find the hidden heart? Give it a try and put your observational skills to the test.

Look at the picture below:

Did you find the heart?

Need a few more minutes?

We’ll give you some more time …

Found the heart?


We’ll give you one last shot.

Ready to see where it’s hidden?

Alright, here it is: