Home Lifestyle Can You find a hidden CAT among the bats?

Can You find a hidden CAT among the bats?

The tricky picture shows just one cat hidden amid dozens of bats and a trio of pumpkins, with their similar silhouettes making it extra difficult to spot the feline friend.

Scroll down for the answer, but no peeking!

source: the dudolf 

the cat is the same color as the bats but it doesn’t have any wings.







You can find the cat by counting in three bats from left to right in the bottom row. The cat is touching the right ear of the third bat in. It looks like it has wings because the two bats next to the cat have their wings on top of it, but don’t be fooled, it’s the cat.

how fast can you find the hidden cat?, comment your answer below!


Today’s challenge: Only a genius can find the ball in 18 seconds

Find the ball in 18 seconds

The challenge is to, in the picture below, find the ball hiding among all the bears in the picture.

What makes the whole challenge a bit more difficult is that you only have 18 seconds.

Set your timer and get ready – here is the picture.

Not easy to find

For most people, it takes a little longer to find the hidden ball, maybe around 30 seconds. But if you bring your A-game, you can definitely succeed within the 18 seconds specified.

If the challenge is too difficult, you can see the answer after the picture below.

here is the answer:

can you find the hidden ball in less than 18 seconds?