Home Lifestyle An Elderly Man Came Into A Shop.

An Elderly Man Came Into A Shop.

An elderly man walked into a store with a “Salesman Wanted” sign in a window.

He walked up to the owner and said, “I-I-I w-w-want that j-joooob-b.”

“I don’t know if this job would suit you because of your speaking impediment,” said the owner.

“I h-h-have a w-wi-wiiiife and s-s-s-six k-k-kkkids, iii-I need this thi-thi-this j-j job!” the man said.

“OK. Here are three Bibles. Go out and sell them,” the owner said.

So the man went out and came back an hour later.

“H-here-sss, your money M-M,” the older man said.

The owner was impressed, so he gave the man an extra dozen Bibles and sent him out.

The man came back in two hours later and said, “Her-ers y-yooour m-m-money.”

The owner said, “This is fantastic. You sold more Bibles in three hours than anyone has sold in a week. Tell me, what do you say to the people when they come to the door?”

“W-well,” said the old man, “I r-r-ring the d-door bell, a-a-and s-s-say ‘H-Hel-Hello, M-m-maaaaddam, d-d-do you w-w- want t-t-t-to buy thi-thi-this B-B-Bible, oooor d-d-do y-you w-w-want m’me t-toooo read it t-t-t-t-to you?


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

An Elderly Man Wants A Job.

An elderly man wants a job, but the foreman won’t hire him until he passes a little maths test.

“Here is your first question.” The foreman says.

“Without using numbers, represent the number nine?”

“Without numbers?”

The old man says. “That’s easy.”

And he proceeds to draw three trees.

“What is this?” asks the boss.

“You don’t have a brain? Tree plus tree plus tree makes nine.” Says the old man.

“Fair enough.” Says the boss.

“Here is your second question. Use the same rules, but this time the number is 99?”

The man stares into space for a while, then picks up the picture that he has just drawn and makes a smudge on each tree, and hands it back.

The boss scratches his head and says.

“How on earth do you get that to represent 99?”

“Each of the trees is dirty now. So it’s a dirty tree plus a dirty tree plus a dirty tree. It’s 99.”

“Okay, last question. Again the same rules, but represent the number 100?”

The old man stares into space again; Then he picks up the picture, makes a little mark at the base of each tree, and hands it back.

The boss looks at the picture of the man.

“You must be nuts if you think that represents a hundred?”

The old man leans forward and points to the marks at the base of each tree and whispers.

“A little dog came along and pooped by each tree. So now you got dirty tree and a turd, plus dirty tree and a turd, plus dirty tree and a turd, which makes 100.”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

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