An elderly couple, Martha and Bert, are sitting on their porch rocking chairs, watching the sunset.
Martha turns to Bert and says, “You know, Bert, I’m proud of you. You’ve always been such a loving husband.”
Bert squints and says, “What’s that?”
Martha repeats, a little louder, “I said I’m proud of you. You’ve always been such a loving husband.”
Bert nods and says, “Well, I’m tired of you too!”
Martha huffs rolls her eyes, and mutters, “I swear, Bert, if your hearing gets any worse, I’m just going to start talking about you instead of to you.”
Bert grins and says, “Already do that, dear. You just don’t know it.”
Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!
An old man placed an order for one hamburger
An elderly couple entered a restaurant and ordered a single meal which consisted of a hamburger, french fries, and a single drink.
When the meal arrived, the man cut the hamburger in half and placed one part of it in front of his wife.
He then did the same with the french fries and placed the drink in between.
They both took sips one by one.
While the man had his piece of the hamburger, his wife was just sitting there watching him eat.
A man who noticed them decided to approach them and offered to buy them another meal, but the elderly man said, “No, thank you, we are used to sharing everything.”
As he continued eating, his wife was patiently waiting and was taking sips now and then.
The man who was at the restaurant approached them once again and offered to at least buy them another drink.
The elderly man refused once again saying that he and his wife share everything.
Finally, when the husband finished eating and wiped his mouth, the man who was observing them approached them for the third time because he couldn’t help but learn why the woman was waiting for her husband to eat.
He got closer and asked her: “What is that you are waiting for?”
The wife replied, “The TEETH.”