Home Lifestyle A married couple are out one night at a dance club.

A married couple are out one night at a dance club.

A married couple are out one night at a dance club.

There’s a guy on the dance floor giving it large: break dancing, moon walking, back flips, the works.

The wife turns to her husband and says, “See that guy? Twenty years ago he proposed to me and I turned him down.”

The husband says, “Looks like he’s still celebrating!”

Did you laugh?


Two boys were arguing when the teacher entered the room.

Two boys were arguing when the teacher entered the room.
The teacher says, “Why are you arguing?”

One boy answers, “We found a ten dollar bill and decided to give it to whoever tells the biggest lie.”

“You should be ashamed of yourselves,” said the teacher, “When I was your age I didn’t even know what a lie was.”

The boys gave the ten dollars to the teacher.

is it funny?