Home Lifestyle A man walks past a beggar and gives him $2 every day

A man walks past a beggar and gives him $2 every day

A man walks past a beggar every day and gives him $2, and that continues for a year.

Then, suddenly, the daily donation changes to $1.50.

“Well,” he thinks, “it’s always better than nothing.”

A year passes in this way until the man’s daily donation suddenly becomes $1.00.

“What’s going on now?” The beggar asks his donor.

“First you give me $2 every day, then $1.50, and now only $1, what’s the problem?”

“Well,” the man says, “my eldest son went to college last year. It’s very expensive so I had to cut the costs. This year, my eldest daughter also went to university, so I had to cut my expenses even further.”

“And how many children do you have?” Asks the beggar.

“Four,” the man replies.

“Well,” says the beggar, “I hope you don’t plan to educate them all at my expense.”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

$20 to homeless guy

I saw a homeless man & I asked him if I gave him $20 would you buy booze?

He said no he hadn’t had a beer in years.

Then I said if I give you $20 will you buy hunting gear?

He again said no, he stopped hunting 5 years ago.

So then I said I’ll do you better than $20.

I’ll take you home and let you all clean up.

My wife will cook a fantastic meal for you.

Then I’ll bring you back & still give you $20.

He asked me wouldn’t she get mad?

I said it didn’t matter.

I just wanted her to see what happens to a man when he stops drinking & hunting!

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