Home Lifestyle A fisherman returns from his fishing trip

A fisherman returns from his fishing trip

A fisherman returns from his fishing trip and tells his friends,

“I caught a fish that was so big, when I got it onto the boat, the boat sank.”

“That sounds like a whopper,” his friend replies.



“It was,” says the fisherman. “But that’s not the best part. When I swam back to shore, I found the fish sitting there waiting for me.”

Let the Trucker Sleep

After driving for about six hours, a trucker decides to pull over and sleep for a little while.

As soon as he falls asleep, he is awoken by some knocks on the door of the cab.

“Can you tell me the time, please?” asks a jogger.

“Yeah, it’s 4:30,” answers the trucker. He falls asleep again, but he is awoken again by another jogger who wants to know the time.

“It’s 4:40!” yells the trucker.

Deciding to really try to sleep a little, he writes on a piece of paper: I DON’T KNOW THE TIME. He sticks the paper in his windshield.



But he is awoken again. ‘It’s 5:25,” says another jogger.

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