Home Lifestyle A blonde and a brunet are getting in the elevator

A blonde and a brunet are getting in the elevator

A blonde and a brunette are getting in the elevator, and along comes this really hot guy.

The girls noticed he has a really bad dandruff problem.

The brunette whispers to the blonde, “Someone should give him head and shoulders.”



And the blonde says, “How do you give shoulders?”

A man in the desert rents out a camel to ride on.

A man in the desert rents out a camel to ride on.

The rental guy asks, “Have you ever ridden one of these?”

The man replies, “No”.

“It’s simple. If you say Woah, it will walk. If you say Woah Woah, it will run. If you say Woah Woah Woah, it will run so fast you have to pray to god to stop”.

The man hops on the camel and says, “Woah”.

The camel starts walking.

He says, “Woah Woah”.

The camel starts running.

He says, “Woah Woah Woah”.

The camel runs so fast the man has to pray to God to stop.

Now it’s a good thing he did that because the camel stopped right at the edge of a cliff.



The man looked down the ravine with wide eyes and said, “Woah!”