An elderly woman named Doris got on a crowded city bus with her cane in one hand and a big shopping bag in the other.
She looked around for a seat, but the bus was packed.
She spotted a young man sitting comfortably near the front, headphones in, staring at his phone. Doris tapped him on the knee with her cane.
The young man looked up. “Yes?”
Doris smiled sweetly. “Young man, would you be kind enough to let an old lady sit down?”
The young man sighed, took out one earbud, and said, “Sorry, lady, but I’m young and healthy. I need my seat just as much as you do.” Then he put his earbud back in and went back to scrolling.
Doris just nodded and said, “Oh, I see. Alright then.”
A few moments later, the bus driver slammed on the brakes to avoid a squirrel crossing the road. The young man, caught off guard, went flying forward and landed face-first in an older woman’s shopping bag filled with cabbages.
Doris calmly sat down in the now-empty seat, adjusted her coat, and muttered, “See? That’s what happens when you don’t respect your elders.”
The rest of the bus burst into applause.
Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!
An Old Woman Walked Into A Supermarket.
The old lady is in the supermarket and starts throwing the frozen veggies on the floor, so the manager asks if he can help.
“I’m looking for Broccoli.”
He informs her that they are out of stock, and she leaves.
An hour later she is back throwing the frozen veggies onto the floor, the irate manager asks again if he can help.
“I’m looking for Broccoli.”
Once again he informs her that they are out of stock.
15 mins before closing, she comes stalking straight to the frozen veggies, as she is about to start throwing them out, the very irritated manager asks can I help.
“I’m looking for Broccoli.”
The Manager asks Madam can you spell Dog in Dogmore.
She says yes ”DOG.”
“Very good, can you spell Cat in Catsdelight.”
She says “CAT.”
“Very good, now can you spell F in Broccoli.”
She says, ”there’s no F in Broccoli.“
“Madam, I’ve been trying to tell you that all day!!!”
Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!