Home Lifestyle Can YOU find a pair of pants in the pile of clothes?

Can YOU find a pair of pants in the pile of clothes?

A mind-bending puzzle challenges people to locate a single pair of underwear inside a jam-packed washing machine.

Only an eagle-eyed player can spot the hidden underwear in an impressive 23 seconds.

Think you can beat their record? Take on the challenge below.

It’s a tricky one.

Can you spot it?

The clock is ticking …

Maybe you need a hint.

hint: Look closely and see if you can spot the pair of pants in the pile of clothes?

Keep scrolling.

Ready for the answer?




Find the hidden Rhino

ONE of these things is not like the others in this tricky brainteaser. There is a Rhino hidden in this pic.

YOU could be the record holder if you spot the Rhino in this tricky brainteaser within 20 seconds.

Scroll down to check the answer:

Do you see the Rhino?

If not, that’s OK.

Keep trying.

Here’s a hint.

It’s near the left side of the pic

If you want to see the solution, keep scrolling.

Last chance to turn back!

Here it is:

Comment your answer below 👇