Home Lifestyle A blonde call the fire department for her burning house

A blonde call the fire department for her burning house

A blonde comes home from a day of shopping and discovers that her house is on fire, so she calls the fire department on her cell phone.

“Please state the nature of your emergency,” says the operator.

“Help! My house is burning!” the blonde replies.

“Okay, can you tell me where do you live?”

“OMG, In a house! the blonde replies.

“No, no! How do we get there?” the operator asks frustratedly.



“Duh! Big Red Truck!!”

love this joke?

The teacher asked little Johnny if he knows his numbers.

The teacher asked little Johnny if he knows his numbers.

” Yes,” he said. “I do. My father taught me.”

“Good. What comes after three.”

“Four,” answers the boy.

“What comes after six?”


“Very good,” says the teacher. “Your dad did a good job. What comes after ten?”

“A jack,” says the boy.

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