Home Lifestyle There are 2 differences between two pics, find them!

There are 2 differences between two pics, find them!

Only those geniuses with a superb eye for detail can find the difference between these photos within 3 minutes!

How fast can you spot them?

Are you ready?

1, Picture 1: 

focus on the picture, have a good look, there are 2 differences between two pics.

time limit is 90 seconds!




time’s up, did you spot them all?
scroll down to check the answer:




2, picture 2

Are you up to the next challenge? can you find the differences?

take your time!

did you find them all?

this is your last chance, scroll back to the picture and focus on it!


time’s up.

the answer are



did you find them all in less than 3 minutes?

Comment your answer below 👇